Step 8: Click OK and check to see if this fixes your 2K sports server not available error. Step 7: Select Use the following DNS server addresses, then set the server addresses to the Google public DNS server addresses ( / (If they already are then skip this step and go to step 7.) Step 5: Make sure Obtain an IP address automatically and Obtain DNS server address automatically are selected, then click OK. Step 4: Double click Internet Protocol Version 4(TCP/IPv4). Step 3: Right click your network connection (“Ethernet” for wired connection, and “Wi-Fi” for wireless), and select Properties. Step 2: Type “ncpa.cpl” and press Enter on your keyboard. Then see if this fixes the connection issue. If you find that the software is blocking NBA 2K, trying putting the game in the whitelist, or disable the antivirus program temporarily (be careful for what you’re browsing when it’s off). You should check your antivirus to make sure it isn’t blocking your game. Is your antivirus program or firewall interrupting your NBA 2K connection? This can be another reason why you’re stuck on your “The 2K sports server is not available at this time” error. To check it, you can visit the NBA 2K Server Status page. You should take a look at the NBA 2K servers status and see if they are down. Perhaps it’s not just you that is having the issue.

This is the first thing you should check. 5 Reset your network settings Check the NBA 2K server status